Making and keeping friendships 101

That's right it's another back to back post! Looking over what I've written in the past couple of weeks or so, I've written about some very abstract and indeed very deep ideas, ideas which require a lot of reflection and thinking to even understand at the most basic level. So I figured that I ought to talk about a much more practical aspect of both my life and the reader's life. Friends. Though now that I think of it friendships and their intricacies are just as thought-provoking and headache-inducing as the core philosophies Taoism and Zen Buddhism, maybe even more so. You'd think that making friends is something easy, something that a toddler could do, after all, it's one of the first social interactions that a person engages in, in their lifetime! And yet the complexities and dynamics of making friends and more importantly keeping friends evolve and morph over time and it can be hard to keep track of. As a person who's in their fifth school now, and h...