Poem: Nomad

I've been getting more opportunities to write poems here and it helps that there's a great balcony at my current residence with a great view. So here's one of those poems 


A Nomad in a caravan I am

Travelling from place to place
From deserts to lush fields and forests 
Meeting many strange faces
Tireless and without rest

A Nomad in a caravan I am

I know no building as my home
For the world itself is my abode
No wealth, not knowledge of tomes
Yet I'm happy, considered as odd

A Nomad in a caravan I am
Much I have missed in life surely?
Yet, even more I have gained 
Blood means nothing to family
I have family around the world

Who've stayed through thick and thin
Can you say the same
Of your kith and kin?
A Nomad in a caravan I am

Happy as can be


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