Carolers and Catastrophe

First thing's first Merry Christmas y'all, this year went by in a flash but we'll talk about that at new year's(Need to save the sentimental stuff for then).

You guys ever see a little ole' movie called "The Grinch?" Well since there are two versions I should be more specific of which version I'm talking about but in reality both of them follow essentially the same idea. Green tall guy-hates christmas-wants to ruin christmas for everyone else-decides to engage in ridiculous yet strangely successful plan for the same-sees the innocence of some random kid(who probably mispelt Santa as Satan) and decides to be good and embrace the spirit of Christmas. The movies are based off the original books by Dr Seuss. Its one of those classics that most people seem to watch during Christmas season.

I could get along with this guy

Now when I said that the Grinch hates all things Christmas related naturally pesky carolers are also included, and this is where I feel a great sense of kinship to the Grinch. 

Where do I start... the entire scene begins with the banging of drums that you can hear a mile away, sounding alert systems through your brain, you get up run to the window and look outside only to see that they are nowhere in sight. You heave a sigh of relief and return back to your very comfortable sofa and are just getting cozy when all of a sudden the drums come into earshot again! You check again only to be annoyed that yet again they aren't anywhere near. Rinse and repeat except this time you don't bother to get up and check. And then you hear people banging on your gate and then you run and see that the mob-err I mean the carol group is outside your home irritated. 

This in particular is where my woes begin, I don't do well when confronted with large groups of people, especially people I don't know. So I instantly get goosebumps and my stomach starts to sort of twist and shrivel. It doesn't help that they have.... that THING

                                                          Nope Nope Nope Nope nononon

Who thought it would be a good idea to have a man wear that THING and dance in front of your house at NIGHT?! 

There's also the fact that I really don't enjoy much of their singing, as its usually cheap knock offs of popular songs or just popular songs themselves. I generally prefer listening to music in the comfort of my headphones. I know I probably sound like an old "Gerrof ma LAWN" grouch but I guess thats just me.

It is also worth mentioning that the true spirit of Carols have diminished in recent times, earlier they were a means for the church to go around homes in the neighbourhood, spread some joy and cheer and also acquire some funds for the upkeep of the church. Now carols are the lemonade stands of the Christmas season. They come to your home, wail a bunch and then glare at you if you give them lesser than what they think they "deserve". It is a shame really, these kids don't even put in the effort, for them its easy money and I have to hand it to them really. Though I will say that if I wanted to hear caterwauling and wailing I would go to a mental asylum.

I must mention however I don't think that Carolers are inherently bad, its just that I felt like I would explain this here and point everyone who asks, "Why do you disappear the moment you hear the sound of drums in the month of December". Most of them are fine human beings, its just not my thing I s'pose

Now despite this being mostly a tirade till now I must say I do miss the bang of those drums this year, but I'll probably regret that next year won't I?



  1. Do you only get little kids as carolers, or do you also get teenagers with proper musical instruments?

    Here in the Philippines, kids caroling was common when I was a kid, but as I grew up, teenagers became more common.

    1. Caroling is actually not very demographic oriented for us, we have a lot of adults going around too.


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